Athena's Core Pools

Note: autocompounding pools will be available on Athena in a future release.

The autocompounding LATH Pool

You can lock up ATH on Athena to earn a share of our performance fees along with more ATH. The autocompounded version of our Locked ATH pool takes those rewards and trades them for more ATH, which is then locked up in the LATH pool. As well, the autocompounding Locked ATH pool utilizes our Delegated Vote pool. This earns you even more rewards automatically. Those are also traded for more ATH and deposited into the autocompound LATH pool.

This means that you can put your LATH in the autocompound pool and never have to touch it again if you'd like. Athena will be claiming & compounding rewards for you, and delegating your votes to the highest APR bribes.

You can transition your LATH manual pool to the autocompounding version. To do so you will need undelegate your LATH on the Vote page first. Then open the manual LATH pool to switch over using our migration modal.

Autocompounding Athena LPs (ATH-METIS, xHUM-HUM)

You can deposit liquidity tokens from Hermes LP tokens for ATH-METIS and xHUM-HUM, on Athena to earn ATH rewards. The autocompounding version of these pools on Athena takes your ATH, locks it, and adds it automatically to the autocompounded LATH pool described above.

xHUM Staking

When you stake xHUM on Athena, you automatically earn a share of our performance fees along with ATH. The autocompounded version of xHUM does the following with your rewards:

  • Converts HUM to xHUM and stakes them back into the autocompounding xHUM pool

  • Locks your ATH rewards in the autocompounded LATH pool

  • Trades any other rewards for more ATH and locks that in the autocompounded LATH pool

Last updated