Converting and Staking HUM
Converting HUM to xHUM
Navigate to the "Stake" tab
Scroll to the "Convert HUM" section of the page.
Enter the quantity of HUM tokens you would like to convert to xHUM. If it is your first time using the platform, you will have to approve your HUM tokens for use with the contract by pressing the "Approve" button. After that transaction has been confirmed, you can press the "Convert" button to convert your HUM to xHUM.
Staking xHUM
Head over to the "Stake" tab to stake your xHUM in order to earn yield.
You'll need to approve the use of your xHUM.
Stake to start earning rewards of ATH and HUM.
You can claim your staking rewards by clicking on the "Claim" button, or you can head to the "Claim" tab where you can claim all of your rewards from the Athena platform in one click.
Buying xHUM
Athena incentivizes deposits of xHUM-HUM liquidity on Hernes to make entering and exiting easy to do. At times xHUM can trade at a lower value than HUM. This occurs when there is more xHUM in the pool than HUM. You can use this to your advantage! Instead of converting HUM to xHUM you can trade HUM for xHUM on Hermes and receive more xHUM than you would when converting.
Last updated